The situation in Afghanistan remains challenging. TF Hawk’s Afghanistan Mission is non-political. It addresses the health, humanitarian, and medical needs of the population, specifically focusing on special cases where urgently needed medical care is otherwise unavailable at this time during the current period of governmental transition, during which the economy and healthcare sector have been impaired.


Our specific focus is on women and children who find themselves at risk from conditions that are treatable during normal times but cannot be addressed during this current transition period. The capabilities of Afghan hospitals, clinics, and other care providers have been deeply affected by the current situation and for the most critical cases, evacuation to surrounding areas is required.


TF Hawk is working with advanced burn victims, at risk pregnancies, and other medical issues where the equipment, personnel, or medical capacity is unavailable to treat patients. These maladies, while treatable in the hands of a capable medical professional and in “normal times”, if left untreated can result in substantial risk of severe injury, life-threatening situations, or even death. Thus, we are setting up evacuation and treatment programs in nearby countries so as to save the lives of those at risk.


Those interested in learning more about TF Hawk and our life-saving, humanitarian mission in Afghanistan should contact

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